
孙晓燕博士于20198月加入ylzzcom永利总站线路检测,担任“百人计划”副教授,硕士生导师。2011年至2016年,她在澳大利亚昆士兰大学(UQ)水管理高等研究中心(AWMC)从事博士学习和博士后研究,系统研究了硫化氢介导的混凝土排水管网腐蚀机理以及防腐技术,并对管网内微污染物迁移、转化以及新型抗腐蚀混凝土进行了研究。在此期间,她与澳大利亚所有大型水务公司(如悉尼水务、墨尔本水务等)建立了紧密合作。随后,她在比利时根特大学微生物生态与技术中心(CMET)进行博士后研究,与欧洲空间局(ESA)和全球知名国防与安全公司QinetiQ Space合作,开展了空间站微重力环境下尿液中氮回收技术的研究工作。回国后,在中国科学院水生生物研究所担任副研究员期间,开展了基于藻菌混合体处理养殖尾水中氮、硫污染物的研究。


BIO: Dr. Xiaoyan SUN is an Associate Professor at the School of Civil Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University. She holds a Ph.D. degree from the Advanced Water Management Centre (AWMC), the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. Following that, she worked as postdoctoral research fellow at AWMC, UQ and the Centre for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Ghent University, Belgium. Xiaoyan has strong interest in corrosion and odour management in sewer systems, microbially induced concrete corrosion and treatment of nitrogen and sulfur compounds in aquatic systems. She gained extensive experience in design, operation and optimization of bioreactors and collaborating with the water utilities in Australia and European Space Agency.




博士,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,导师:Jurg Keller

博士后,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,导师:Zhiguo Yuan

博士后,比利时根特大学,导师:Nico Boon





  • CE109-土木、水利与海洋工程概论,本科一年级,2022-1, 2022-2
  • CE321-海绵城市概论,本科二年级,2020, 2021
  • CE3024-海绵城市原理与设计,本科三年级,2023
  • C512-高等城市水文学,研究生,2020
  • CE6122-排水管网的优化与运营,研究生,2021-2, 2022-1


  • Microbial Ecology and Environmental Sanitation,根特大学硕士课程,2016年
  • CHEE4060- Process & Control System Synthesis,昆士兰大学本科四年级 ,2013和2014年



1.           Sun, X., Jiang, G., Bond, P.L., Keller, J., Yuan, Z. (2015): A novel and simple treatment for control of sulfide induced sewer concrete corrosion using free nitrous acid. Water Research. 70, 179-187. 环境科学与生态类1Top IF: 7.913(被选为 Water Research 2015年第1季度最佳论文’,并由华盛顿大学Mari Winkler助理教授以科普短文的形式发表https://medium.com/@STMDigest/knock-out-the-bugs-causing-sewer-corrosion-by-a-spray-simple-cheap-effective-63b8511d151f

2.           Sun, X., Jiang, G., Bond, P.L., Keller, J. (2019): Periodic deprivation of gaseous hydrogen sulfide affects the activity of the concrete corrosion layer in sewers. Water Research. 157, 463-471. 环境科学与生态类1Top IF: 7.913 (Water Research中文公众号作为亮点文章翻译为中文https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MFd7Ip7h0W0Wqo3u1YbgOw)

3.           Sun, X., Jiang, G., Chiu, T., Zhou, M., Bond, P. and Keller, J. (2016): Effect of surface washing on the mitigation of concrete corrosion under sewer conditions. Cement and Concrete Composites. 68, 88-95. 结构与建筑技术1区, IF: 5.172

4.           Sun, X., Jiang, G., Bond, P.L., Keller, J. (2015): Impact of fluctuations in gaseous H2S concentrations on sulfide uptake by sewer concrete: the effect of high H2S loads. Water Research. 81, 84-91. 环境科学与生态类1TopIF: 7.913

5.           Sun, X., Jiang, G., Bond, P.L., Wells, T., Keller, J. (2014): A rapid, non-destructive methodology to monitor activity of sulfide-induced corrosion of concrete based on H2S uptake rate. Water Research. 59, 229-238. 环境科学与生态类1TopIF: 7.913

6.           Rebosura Jr. M., Salehina S., Pikaar, I., Sun X., Keller J., Sharma K. and Yuan Z. (2018): A comprehensive laboratory assessment of the effects of sewer-dosed iron salts on wastewater treatment processes. Water Research. 146, 109-117. 环境科学与生态类1TopIF: 7.913 (Water Research中文公众号作为亮点文章翻译为中文:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vg4i4v8CCvlBNVci5E3u9w)

7.           Li, J., Gao, J., Thai, P. K., Sun, X., Mueller, J. F., Yuan, Z., and Jiang, G. (2018): Stability of Illicit Drugs as Biomarkers in Sewers: From Lab to Reality. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(3), 1561-1570. 环境科学与生态学1Top IF: 7.149 

8.           Defoirdt, T., Vlaeminck, S., Sun, X., Boon, N. and Clauwaert, P. (2017) Ureolytic activity and its regulation in Vibrio campbellii and Vibrio harveyi in relation to nitrogen recovery from source-separated urine. Environmental Science & Technology. 51 (22), 13335-13343. 环境科学与生态学1TopIF: 7.149 

9.           Jiang, G., Zhou, M., Chiu, T., Sun, X., Keller, J. and Bond, P. (2016): Wastewater Enhanced Microbial Corrosion of Concrete Sewers. Environmental Science & Technology. 50 (15), 8084-8092. 环境科学与生态学1TopIF: 7.149 

10.        Jiang, G., Sun, X., Keller, J., Bond, P.L. (2015): Identification of controlling factors for the initiation of corrosion of fresh concrete sewers. Water Research. 80, 30-40. 环境科学与生态类1TopIF: 7.913

11.        Clauwaert, P., Muys, M., Alloul, A., De Paepe., J., Sun, X., Lindeboom, L. R.E., Luther A., Ilgrande C., Christiaens, M. E.R., Hu X., Rabaey K., Boon N., Ronsse F, Geelen D., and Siegfried E. Vlaeminck, S. E. (2017): Nitrogen cycling in Bioregenerative Life Support Systems: challenges for waste refinery and food production processes. Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 91, 87-98. 宇航1区,IF: 6.814



  • Sun, Xiaoyan, Jiang, Guangming, Keller, Jurg, Bond, Philip and Li, Xuan (2023).Testing of Sulfide Uptake Rate (SUR) and Its Applications. Engineering Materials. (pp. 37-58) Cham: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-29941-4_3 (https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-29941-4_3)
  • Jiang, Guangming, Sun, Xiaoyan, Li, Xuan, Song, Yarong and Keller, Jurg (2023).Controlling Environmental Factors of Microbiologically Influenced Concrete Corrosion in Sewers. Engineering Materials. (pp. 141-158) Cham: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-29941-4_7
  • Jiang, Guangming, Sun, Xiaoyan, Keller, Jurg, Li, Xuan, Song, Yarong, Schmid, Markus and Walenta, Günther (2023).A Systematic Laboratory Testing of Concrete Corrosion Resistance in Sewers. Engineering Materials. (pp. 113-137) Cham: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-29941-4_6
  • 《土木、水利与海洋工程概论》第6章 城市水务工程,ylzzcom永利总站线路检测出版社



1. 孙晓燕,张子光,谢煜东,一种混凝土的硫化氢吸收实验装置

2. 孙晓燕,张子光,谢煜东,一种排水管混凝土腐蚀模拟实验装置








Experienced Water Postdoc Fellowship COFUND Programme, Marie-Curie Action COFUND, European Union2016

水领域顶级期刊Water Research2015年第1季度最佳论文,2015

The Global Project Innovation Award, International Water Association, 2014(全球每2年1项,团队奖)



担任审稿人情况:中科院1区(Water Research, Corrosion Science)、中科院2区(Chemical Geology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Member of International Water Association



