
刘智勇,ylzzcom永利总站线路检测“百人计划”引进。主要研究方向为复合水文气象极值事件与风险、城市水文、大尺度水文模拟、下垫面响应、水文预报等。相关研究成果发表在Water Resources Research, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,Journal of Hydrometeorology,Journal of Hydrology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology等期刊上。

homepage: http://zhiyongliu.academic.bio/index.html 



2012.11–2016.06  德国 海德堡大学(Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)    水文         博士 (Dr. rer. nat.)

2005.09–2012.07  西北农林科技大学 水文及水资源专业/地理信息系统专业      硕士/学士



2017– Present ylzzcom永利总站线路检测  副教授

2016–2017 美国  国家海洋大气总署(NOAA), 国家环境卫星实验室 National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service,  Postdoctoral Fellow (博士后)

2012–2016 德国 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg,  Research Associate (科研助理)



Peer-reviewed publications (* indicates the corresponding author)


  1.  L. Cheng; M. Hoerling; Z. Liu; J. Eischeid, (2019).   Physical understanding of human-induced changes in U.S. hot droughts using equilibrium climate simulations, Journal of Climate, doi:https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0611.1   (IF: 4.66中科院分区TOP期刊)
  2. T. Lan, K. R. Lin, Z. Y. Liu, Y. H. He, C. Y. Xu, H. B. Zhang and X. H. Chen, 2019. A clustering preprocessing framework for the sub-annual calibration of a hydrological model considering climate-land surface variations, Water resources research. DOI: 10.1029/2018WR023160  (IF: 4.39中科院分区TOP期刊)


  1. Jiefeng Wu; Xiaohong Chen; Huaxia Yao; Zhiyong Liu; Dejian Zhang, 2018. Hydrological drought instantaneous propagation speed (HDIPS) based on the variable motion relationship of speed-time process, Water resources research, DOI: 10.1029/2018WR023120  (IF: 4.39中科院分区TOP期刊)
  2. Liu, Zhiyong, Chen, Xiaohong, Liu Feng., Lin, Kairong., He, Yanhu., Cai, H., (2018) Joint dependence between river temperature, air temperature, and discharge in the Yangtze River: the role of the Three Gorges Dam, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1029/2018JD029078. (IF: 3.5中科院分区TOP期刊)
  3. P. Zhou, Q. Li, G. Zhou, X. Wei, M. Zhang, Z. Liu, X. Chen ,X. Liu , Y.  Xiao , G. Sun , D. Scott , S. Zhou , L. Han , Y. Su, 2018. Correspondence: Reply to ‘Flawed assumptions compromise water yield assessment’, Nature communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07065-5 (IF: 12.3中科院分区TOP期刊)
  4. Liu, Z., Cheng, L., Hao, Z., Li, J., Thorstensen, A., Gao, H., (2018) A Framework for Exploring Joint Effects of Conditional Factors on Compound Floods. Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1002/2017WR021662 (IF: 4.39中科院分区TOP期刊)
  5. Liu, Z., Menzel, L., (2018) Probabilistic dependence between streamflow and hydroclimatic variables and the possible linkages to large-scale atmospheric circulation: a case study in Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, Journal of Hydrology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.08.054  (IF: 3.7中科院分区TOP期刊)
  6. Zhou P., Liu Z*. (2018) Likelihood of concurrent climate extremes and variations over China, Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aade9e (IF: 4.404中科院分区二区期刊)
  7. Jiefeng Wu; Zhiyong Liu; Huaxia Yao; Xiaohong Chen; Xingwei Chen; Yanhui Zheng; Yanhu He. (2018). Impacts of reservoir operations on multi-scale correlations between hydrological drought and meteorological drought, Journal of Hydrology. doi:/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.06.053 (IF: 3.7中科院分区TOP期刊)
  8. H Gao, JL Sabo, X Chen, Z Liu, Z Yang, Z Ren, M Liu, (2018). Landscape heterogeneity and hydrological processes: a review of landscape-based hydrological models. Landscape Ecology, 33:1461–1480 (IF: 3.83中科院分区二区期刊)
  9. Cai, H., Piccolroaz, S., Huang, J., Liu, Z., Liu, F.,Toffolon, M., (2018). Quantifying the impact of the Three Gorges Dam on the thermal dynamics of the Yangtze River. Environmental Research Letters. DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aab9e0 (IF: 4.404中科院分区二区期刊)

2017 onwards

  1. Liu, Z., Zhang, X., and Fang, R. (2017) Multi-scale linkages of winter drought variability to ENSO and the Arctic Oscillation: a case study in Shaanxi, North China. Atmospheric Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.10.012. (IF: 3.77中科院分区二区期刊)

  2. Liu, Z., Menzel, L., (2016) Identifying long-term variations in vegetation and climatic variables and their scale-dependent relationships: a case study in Southwest Germany, Global and Planetary Change, DOI: /10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.10.019 (IF: 3.91中科院分区二区期刊)

  3. Liu, Z., Törnros, T., and Menzel, L. (2016) A probabilistic prediction network for hydrological drought identification and environmental flow assessment. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019106  (IF: 4.39中科院分区TOP期刊)

  4. Liu, Z., Zhou, P., Chen, X., and Guan, Y. (2015) A multivariate conditional model for streamflow prediction and spatial precipitation refinement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, DOI: 0.1002/2015JD02378. (IF: 3.45中科院分区TOP期刊)

  5. Liu, Z., Menzel, L., Dong, C., and Fang, R. (2015) Temporal dynamics and spatial patterns of drought and the relation to ENSO: a case study in Northwest China.International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.4526.    (IF: 3.76中科院分区二区期刊)    

  6. Liu, Z., et al.  (2015) A probabilistic wavelet-support vector regression model for streamflow forecasting with rainfall and climate information input. Journal of Hydrometeorology, DOI:10.1175/JHM-D-14-0210.1.  (IF: 3.64 中科院分区二区期刊,水文气象权威期刊)

  7. Liu, Z., et al. (2014) Evaluating a coupled discrete wavelet transform and support vector regression for daily and monthly streamflow forecasting. Journal of Hydrology, 519:2822–2831. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.06.050.  (IF: 3.48中科院分区TOP期刊)

  8. Liu, Z., et al. (2013) Spatiotemporal characteristics of dryness/wetness conditions across Qinghai Province, Northwest China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 182–183: 101–108, DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2013.05.013.  (IF: 3.88中科院分区TOP期刊)

  9. Chen, X., Liu, X., Liu, Z., et al., (2017) Spatial clusters and temporal trends of seasonal surface soil moisture across China in responses to regional climate and land cover changes: Soil moisture trends across China from 1979 to 2010. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1800  (IF: 2.85中科院分区三区期刊)



Selected Conference Papers, Presentations and Posters 

  1. L Cheng, MP Hoerling, Liu, Z, J Eischeid (2017) How Climate Change Is Intensifying U.S. Heatwaves during Droughts, AGU, USA.
  2. Liu, Z., (2017) Climate change and land use/land cover change on hydrology: modeling, The 12th International Congress of Ecology 2017, Beijing, China. (Session host)
  3. Liu, Z., (2017) Drought identification and hydrological prediction, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
  4. Liu, Z., and Menzel, L. (2016) A multivariate joint hydrological drought indicator using vine copula. Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  5. Liu, Z., (2015) A high-dimensional probabilistic model for streamflow prediction based on vine copula. International Conference “Water Resources Assessment & Seasonal Prediction”, Koblenz, Germany
  6. Liu, Z., and Menzel, L. (2014) Assessing the drought risk based on the joint probability of precipitation and soil moisture in Rhineland-Palatinate, southwest Germany (Abstract). EGU Leonardo Conference Series on the Hydrological Cycle 6th Leonardo Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.





  1. 2019-2021 国家自然基金委青年基金(51809294)(主持)
  2. 2018-2020 中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室开放研究基金  (主持)
  3. 2018-2019 国家自然科学基金委-中德科学中心 (Chinesisch-Deutsches Zentrum für Wissenschaftsförderung)资助访问交流项目 (编号GZ1473)  (主持)
  4. 2017-2019 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测“百人计划” (主持)
  5. 2019-2022  国家自然科学基金面上项目(51879289)  (主要参与人)
  6. 2012-2016     Heidelberg University "Rhine-Transect: An interdisciplinary, long-term research project across the Upper Rhine Valley"   (参与)
  7. 2016-2017     NOAA  "Development of improved SST and cloud mask algorithms for VIIRS, AHI, ABI, AVHRR, MODIS and SEVIRI"   (参与)




1. 改进的HBV模型(HBV-Extended)代码及说明文档(基于R平台)
2. 开发的联合水文干旱指数JSDI


